Friday, March 7, 2008

Final Blog: Robinson Crusoe

The final few chapters start with Crusoe giving each of his new men, Friday, Friday's father and the Spaniard a gun for protection and for battle. One day, Friday sees a ship far off and Crusoe identifies it as English and it makes port. The men get off and 3 slaves are left behind. Crusoe approaches the slaves to find that they are the captain and 2 members of his crew. Crusoe liberates him and gets granted free passage to England.The others suspect something is up and charge at Crusoe and his men. Crusoe confuses the men by having others shout from different directions so that they wont know where the attack comes from. Crusoe and his men overwhelm the others and the seamen surrender to Crusoe and the Captain. Crusoe then devises a plan to seize the ship and it works. The captain greets Crusoe with wines and foods. On December 19, 1686, Crusoe boards the ship to England after spending 28 years on the island. When Crusoe returns to England, his money is still protected and most of his family is dead. Crusoe then decides to travel to Lisbon to seek out his plantations in Brazil. When Crusoe returns there, the Portuguese captain that originally brought him there tells him his plantations are in good hands. Crusoe learns that his plantations are worth a lot of money and Crusoe is overwhelmed as he is now a rich man. Crusoe sends money to his remaining siblings and decides to move back to England. Crusoe then travels the land and lands in Spain. He hates the weather there and moves on to France. On his way, his group is surrounded by 300 wolves and they somehow survive by scaring the wolves. This was an amazing feat as they should have been dead. Crusoe eventually ends up back in England and sells his investments in Brazil for 33,000 pieces of eight, which is a lot of money. Crusoe marries, but his wife dies and after this, Crusoe goes to be a private trader. His journeys here bring him back to the original island where the story started. Crusoe finds that the Spaniards there have been living well and have just survived a cannibal attack. Crusoe provides them with many gifts and the Spaniards strive on the island.

Crusoe seemed more aggressive in the final chapters as we see him prepare for war and go to war. He really gets into the whole fighting thing as hes handing people guns and such. Crusoe is also very sincere as he sends money to his remaining relatives and gives the Portuguese man some money as well. He also still keeps his religion intact as he stops himself from doing many things due to his religious beliefs. The theme of these last few chapters is that the poor get rich in the end. Also, those that suffer get to rejoice later because we saw Crusoe suffer on the island for 28 years and when he gets off, he is rewarded with a ton of money and he is happy. The novel suggests that you just have to deal with the tough times in your life because if you make it through them, there will be rewards at the end. It is saying that those that thought it out and don't complain win at the end. This ending reminds me of "Holes" because the main character in that book/movie struggles at a boot camp and in the end, his family becomes rich when they find a treasure chest that belonged to their great grandfather. Overall, I have learned in life that if you tough it out, you'll be happy in the end with rewards. You have to play the hand you're dealt and shouldn't try and change it because GOD has a plan for you and you should follow it.